@BethanyBlack Yeah this is a non ADHDer dlPFC-splaining to us how our fucking brains work.
For those without ADHD, heres my above 'Highlights the Magazine' breakdown of the above re: what doesnt fit:
On my best Vyvanse powered day none of the above is happening.
@hannu_ikonen @BethanyBlack I just kinda stopped at "83 point plan" because...yeah.
Oddly enough, I've known a number of nurses with ADHD as well, and I am beginning to think that there is some utility in being used to a plan becoming FUBAR after step 2. Also the ability to look into the maw of pure chaos and go "relax, I've got this".
(I'm not saying the American healthcare system is a maw of pure chaos...that would imply deliberate structure and function where none exists)
@UncivilServant @hannu_ikonen yeah, that’s literally how it works, it requires that level of chaos to get enough stimulation to actually do anything