A fundamental question for control of influenza pandemics is whether inhalation exposure (i.e., airborne transmission) is a major mode of transmission. Once we understand that, we can design better interventions and test them appropriately. Only one RCT to date has addressed this question - and it was underpowered due to use of Donor cases that were not contagious. 1/3
We are addressing these limitations in a new NIH-funded cluster randomized clinical trial "Evaluating Modes of Influenza Transmission-2." We are currently seeking persons with recent onset of influenza virus infection to act as Donors. 2/3
If you are located in the BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON area and have patients with recent onset of influenza, confirmed by rapid test or PCR, please tell them about our study.
Patients interested in volunteering can Call: 410-706-8800 (8am-4pm), or Email: clintrial@som.umaryland.edu and refer to the EMIT-2 study.
For more information see: