A thread for the eight #MECFS and related research papers from w/c 5th June 2023.
Links are to our forum discussion threads, where abstracts, links to paper, analysis and discussion can be found. Please note that inclusion in this list does not equal recommendation.
Inflammation-induced pain and fatigue in fibromyalgia and ME/CFS and role of variant connective tissue - Eccles et al
Review article: Altered Lipid, Energy Metabolism and Oxidative Stress Are Common Features in a Range of Chronic Conditions - Morten et al
Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Show Characteristic Heart Rate Variability Profiles Reflecting Autonomic Dysregulations: Differentiation by Linear Discriminant Analysis - Shinba et al.
Persistent serum protein signatures define an inflammatory subcategory of long COVID — Talla et al.
NETosis induction reflects COVID-19 severity and long COVID: insights from a 2-center patient cohort study in Israel — Nitzan Krinsky et al.
Risk factors for long coronavirus disease 2019 (long COVID) among healthcare personnel, Brazil, 2020–2022 — Alexandre R. Marra et al.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of long-term sequelae of COVID-19 2-year after SARS-CoV-2 infection: A call to action for neurological, physical, and psychological sciences — Masoud Rahmati et al.
The relevance of pacing strategies in managing symptoms of post-COVID-19 syndrome — Ghali et al.