What therapies would you trial in severe sepsis (adaptive, multi arm, imaginary unlimited funding) and how would you stratify? #critcare -#icm #intensivecare A#sepsis
@matdesgro @jopo_dr yes, i think that's likely to be true as well - personalised approach to tackle heterogeneity.
Sepsis not my thing, but likely to be applicable in many diseases.
@gpollara @matdesgro I would like to see patients stratified by IL-6 etc at least in once study. Sub group analysis of CORTICUS etc shows there is a hyper inflammatory and a immune paresis phenotype in sepsis - can enrich which might benefit from different therapies but need rapid bedside testing because so fast and florid
@jopo_dr @matdesgro yes totally agree - has to be bedside assessment of immune / cytokine activity to inform choice of host-directed therapy.
@matdesgro @gpollara then again it is not always in pharma interests to narrow the field for their target population. However sepsis so common I would imagine always fruitful even when stratifying the target audience
@jopo_dr @gpollara agreed. But looking at sepsis research at the moment, I have the feeling Pharma isn’t interested anymore as lasts years haven’t been good for them. They think they haven’t that much money to gain anymore. They wouldn’t have return on their investment. Protein C saga? scalded cat fears cold water